Axe Hole Brandy

750mL /40% alc. by vol.
Tasting Notes: Dried pear, golden raisin, red apple, stone fruit, cassia,white pepper
We’re thrilled to introduce our oldest spirit yet. This brandy had its humble beginnings as Grenache grapes, locally pressed and fermented during the 2019 harvest season. But here’s where the magic happens: we split the batch in half. Half cozied up in a French oak white wine barrel, soaking up warm, spicy notes. The rest aged in an American oak Bourbon barrel, infusing rich caramel and velvety vanilla flavor. After 4 years in those oak casks, our brandy earned its stripes—the prestigious VSOP label, which stands for ‘Very Superior Old Pale.’ So go ahead, sip and savor the best of both oaks!
Cocktail Suggestions: Sidecar, Brandy Daisy, Fish House Punch, Alexander, Metropolitan, Old Fashioned
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Price $69.00 / 750 mL
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